Illuminandi Illuminandi - Get On! (zacchaeus)

Zacchaeus, come down that tree!
At your house today I must stay.
Zacchaeus, come down that tree!
How much longer will you linger?

You know my fear and pain, my sin and my despair
You also know how much I longed to meet you!
It was so hard for me to see you face
When a crowd of people surrounded me!

Carried by the human river, helpless, I realized:
That wasn't the way to fulfill my heart's desire!
So when the moment came, I didn't wait any longer,
To meet you at last, I got on a tree!

Zacchaeus, come down that tree!
At your house today I must stay.
Zacchaeus, come down that tree!
How much longer will you linger?

Lord please come inside my house, though I am not
Although they despise me and they all look down on
Though you know that my soul is not as pure as snow
Cause my hands have done so much wrong to the others.

I know you that don't care for what they think about
And it is just my house that you want to stay at.
You care neither for appearances nor my spiteful
Cause you came to seek and save that which was lost!


Get on the tree!!!